A Trusted Law Firm Representing Pennsylvania Businesses

There is no way for a business to operate effectively without paying close attention to the legal matters.  Failure to comply with administrative laws or failure to handle contractual and commercial matters could be devastating to your business. Rather than trying to handle all of these complex legal matters yourself, the smart move is to work with a team of experienced attorneys who can help you avoid exposure and resolve legal conflicts.

Summers, McDonnell, Hudock, Guthrie & Rauch, P.C. is a premier commercial and administrative law firm representing clients in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and throughout Pennsylvania. We have been handling a range of litigation matters in defense of local businesses for nearly 30 years.

Commercial Law

We represent small to mid-sized businesses against a range of legal claims, including:

A lawsuit can be a crippling expense for a growing business. Even if you win a lawsuit against you, the litigation costs can stop your business in its tracks. Our lawyers know how to handle commercial disputes while keeping our eye on the bottom line. Through negotiation outside of the courtroom and experienced trial representation, we help our clients with commercial law matters efficiently.

Administrative Law

Our lawyers represent doctors, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, and other licensed professionals who are at risk for losing their professional licenses due to allegations of malpractice, misconduct and other allegations. Our lawyers have thorough knowledge and experience when it comes to professional review boards. We can help you protect your rights in the license review and appeals processes to make sure you get a fair hearing.

We are a small, focused firm. In both commercial and administrative law cases, this helps us keep overhead down and provide efficient, personally-tailored representation.

Contact Summers, McDonnell, Hudock, Guthrie & Rauch, P.C.

Schedule a consultation to discuss your case with an attorney from our firm by calling 412-557-8036 in Pittsburgh, 717-667-8561 in Harrisburg. You can also email the firm. We are looking forward to hearing from you.